Associação das Atividades Sociais do Bairro 2 de Maio

Official site +351213632399

Largo Cantinho, 1300-116 Lisboa, Portugal

Associação das Atividades Sociais do Bairro 2 de Maio is a school in Lisbon. In general, the school education system is very different from the post-Soviet one in that it is much more liberal. Learning is fairly easy and the student is given many opportunities to correct a bad learning situation. However, in order to delve into the material and use all available resources, there must be the desire of the student himself and the moral help of the parents. In Portugal, there is no such subject as literature – you will have to get acquainted with the world classics on your own. Also, retelling and memorizing poems by heart is not practiced. The outlook and maturity of Portuguese schoolchildren is very different from the outlook of schoolchildren from post-Soviet countries.

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