Estufa Real

Official site +351213619400

Calçada do Galvão E, 1300-011 Lisboa, Portugal

Fantastic garden in the UK Style, also Madeira Island along with a fantastic restaurant in a warm atmosphere. They offer a large restaurant for special occasions, and a small restaurant opens every day, small, with a reduced menu, mostly consisting of salads, sandwiches, and sometimes pasta sounds. But although simple, pretty good, the atmosphere is very relaxed and the restaurant is located in the center of one of the most beautiful gardens in Lisbon. Definitely, worth a mid-morning visit to the botanical garden, admission is free, and then stop where you can have lunch at the restaurant. Enjoy one of the best views of Lisbon. If you come from Calcade do Galvao, you can get a free garden. The air conditioning restaurant in this heat is a definite plus.

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