
Official site +351213623899

Dos Lusíadas Str. 5, 1300-365 Lisbon, Portugal

Contasilva - Contabilidade E Serviços Lda.

Accounting support for businesses of different activities in Portugal. Produce, sell, organize holidays, create style, deliver goods, train, create and implement business ideas, and the figures, documents and reports are the care of your accountant! For many years, joined together as a team, experts not only reflect in the accounting what has already happened and prepare reports, but also help the business to look into the future, to plan and make effective decisions for its development. They take your business to work. You are assigned a personal team sharpened for your industry. From now on all the routine work is done by them – accounting, taxes and HR. They will provide legal support, check and select contractors. You just set tasks to your personal assistant and send a photo of documents as an attachment.

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