BMS – Brand, Mind and Strategy

Official site +351213873743

Tv. do Conde da Ponte Nº10 1ºDireito, 1300-141 Lisboa, Portugal

BMS – Brand, Mind and Strategy branding agency was founded in Lisbon a long time ago. Today the agency provides services in design, corporate and consumer branding. The main types of services:

  • Brand development – strategy creation, platform and positioning, brand architecture, rebranding.
  • Research and analytics – market research, brand audit, consumer behavior study.
  • Verbal identification – development of names, slogans and brand legend.
  • Visual identification – logo and corporate identity, style elements, communication design.
  • Packaging design – development of the form and design of packaging, production control.
  • Graphic design – design of corporate printing, advertising and POS materials.
  • Strategic sessions and trainings.

Visit the agency and raise your business to the next level!

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