Clínica Veterinária Roma

Official site +351218492182

R. Gen. Pimenta de Castro 6, 1700-218 Lisboa, Portugal

Ensuring epizootic well-being for diseases common to humans and animals Lisbon conducts through its divisions of veterinary and sanitary examination in the agricultural and food markets of the city. At more than 900 food facilities in the city, work to ensure the safety of products of animal origin is carried out by veterinarians of the departments. In all district veterinary stations you can receive preventive vaccination services for animals using both domestic and imported vaccines. Issue a Pet Passport and veterinary accompanying documents necessary for transportation (both animals and goods). Your pet will be provided with qualified medical assistance, sent for diagnostic tests, and operations of any complexity will be performed. Each veterinary specialist has the opportunity to take samples for laboratory tests and send them to a modern laboratory and diagnostic center. Be sure to take your pet to the best specialists!

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