Flor de Lúpulo

Official site +351968752132

R. Passos Manuel 102C, 1150-053 Lisboa, Portugal

Attention, we invite you to the best bar in Lisbon! The fusion menu is supplemented with a colorful bar list, which is especially pleasant for the connoisseurs of beer. Along with the traditional options there are craft beers as well as international award-winning beers exclusive to the Lisbon region, which you won’t find anywhere else. Behind the impressive contact bar you can enjoy ales, stouts, lagers and lambic beers from famous breweries from England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany and Belgium. The bar is loved not only by gourmands but by music lovers as well. Almost every day there are concerts of live music in the bar-restaurant: hard rock, jazz, folk, string glam-rock – the musical menu is multifaceted here too. And you can do it without leaving your home town!

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