Official site +351 91 7204575

Av. Miguel Bombarda 145 R/c, 1050-164 Lisbon, Portugal


The yoga studio in Lisbon is a great opportunity to keep yourself in shape and watch your figure, while also developing spiritually. Yoga came to us from India and it combines various physical, spiritual and mental practices. Thus, yoga classes are aimed at managing and controlling not only the physiological but also the mental functions of the human body. The main goal is for the individual to achieve an elevated inner state. There are different directions of yoga:

  • karma yoga;
  • raja yoga;
  • Jnana yoga;
  • hatha yoga;
  • bhakti yoga;
  • vinyasa yoga.

The latter type is one of the modern trends in yoga. It is a dynamic type of yoga, which includes a sequence of asanas linked together by a set of movements – vinyasa. The ultimate goal of a particular person who comes to a yoga section can be not only spiritual development, but also the victory over certain physical health problems. Today many people attend such classes as part of self-development and maintaining their own health!

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