Yoga Shankara

Official site +351 91 0963532

Largo de São Sebastião da Pedreira 31 2º Andar, 1050-205 Lisbon, Portugal

Yoga Shankara - Lisboa

Yoga Shankara is a yoga studio. This is classical hatha yoga, yoga from the original source – the yoga of the sage Patanjali. An unchanging feature of yoga remains its physiology, taking into account individualities and limitations, and the use of special materials. All this makes it possible to start practicing yoga at any age and in any state of health. That’s why so developed in yoga is therapeutic practice – yoga for health, yoga for spine, for joints. And that’s why the therapeutic approach is so well developed in yoga – from simple to complex, from subtle to gross, that’s the way to yoga for beginners. Taking into account the peculiarities of the female body at the head of yoga for women, yoga for pregnant women. The yoga treatment is not a myth or a panacea. The way of yoga is the way of recovery and stabilization of all spheres of human existence. Therefore, be sure to visit a yoga studio in Lisbon!

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