Centro Upaya

Official site +351913590753

Calçada dos Sete Moinhos 143, 1070-267 Lisboa, Portugal

Mindfulness, clarity, composure, and even willpower are not a given, but skills that can be developed.

  • Stress Reduction
    Learn to switch and relax when you can, breathe freely, clear and clear your mind, and always feel solid ground under your feet.
  • Focus and Productivity
    Learn to choose important activities and focus on them without distractions, switch between them without losing focus, and work without burnout.
  • Serenity
    Here you can not only relax perfectly, but also learn basic techniques and methods of deep relaxation and energy conservation, which you can then apply anywhere and anytime.
  • Recharging your energy
    Learn to reset and recharge in a timely manner, replenishing your energy reserves for life. You can learn this and more from us at Centro Upaya.

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