Electro Canalizadora Unipessoal, Lda


R. de Sant'Ana à Lapa 37A, 1200-796 Lisbon, Portugal

Have problems and need an electrician and plumber? Then you need to turn to Electro Canalizadora Unipessoal.

Among most professions, there are those without which it will simply be difficult to talk about the comfort of living in a residential building. It is difficult without them for those who work in the office, as various troubles with water supply, and even more so with sewage, can overshadow life. An electrician is a specialist who installs, maintains, and repairs power supply systems, communication networks, electrical circuits, lighting, and control systems for electrical equipment, and electrical appliances. He will never ignore security measures.

A plumber is a worker who installs, operates, or repairs plumbing fixtures. Jobs for plumbers are quite diverse. They are hired to work at construction sites, in housing maintenance offices, and in private firms. Only professionals work at Electro Canalizadora Unipessoal in Lisbon, do not pass by.

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