CF Saúde & Bem Estar

Official site +351 96 8130917

Prof. Bento de Jesus Caraça Str., 1600-000 Lisbon, Portugal

CF Centro de Bem Estar, Saúde e Estética Avançada

Let us begin our opening remarks with their principles and basic ideas of creating a massage salon. Each of the specialists knows that he is engaged in an incredibly important business, namely, giving patients beauty and self-confidence, good mood and positive emotions, the pleasure of liking yourself in the mirror and not knowing the word “complexes”, not being afraid of getting old, and enjoying every moment of life. This mission is very honorable but responsible at the same time. The primary task of each member of this team is the safety and efficiency of massage procedures as well as each process inside, all patients entrust them their beauty and health-it is a great honor that does not tolerate mediocrity.

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