Sr Piano

Official site +351211515269

espaço 2, Rua Particular, à, R. Ventura Abrantes, Lisboa, Portugal

The Lisbon Music School is a multidisciplinary, leading institution of additional education for children, which develops musical and aesthetic areas. The value foundations of the multifaceted activity and organization of the educational and pedagogical process of the music school are the spiritual and moral traditions of Russian culture – citizenship, national identity, patriotism, creative devotion. These traditions define the pedagogical and creative credo of the school, the strategy of its educational and repertoire policy, place and role in the socio-cultural space of the city. The pre-professional programs are focused on:
– Educating and developing students’ personal qualities that allow them to respect and accept the spiritual and cultural values of different peoples;
– Shaping students’ aesthetic views, moral attitudes and the need to communicate with spiritual values;
– developing students’ ability to independently perceive and evaluate cultural values.

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