Creche do Tomás

Official site +351219446086

R. Tomás Del Negro 1, 1750-416 Lisboa, Portugal

Kindergarten is the first place for a child to meet a huge and interesting world, where he or she will make the first independent steps on the road of life. The kindergarten has a friendly and professional team of educators and teachers who will give the first, and therefore the most important knowledge for the harmonious development of your child’s personality. The friendly staff is in step with the times, constantly developing their own knowledge and educational programs. Logistical support is constantly being improved as needed. New books and toys are purchased, delicious lunches are prepared, and a healthy sleeping environment after the educational program is provided. In addition to education, we provide your boys and girls with several years of carefree childhood. We teach them how to communicate with their peers and adults so that your children become role models, standards of behavior and upbringing, and a model in general.

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