Escola Secundaria D. Jose I


Azinhaga da Musgueira, 1750-356 Lisboa, Portugal

The desire to provide a child with a happy future and a successful career leads many parents to choose to educate their children in boarding schools abroad. The best of them are located in Lisbon. The school “Escola Secundaria D. Jose I” sees each student as a person. The staff takes into account the child’s interests, strengths and weaknesses, practicing an individual approach, which helps to reveal his talents and achieve good results in his studies. For the same purpose the school sets small classes of only 5-10 students. During the lessons each student is given a sufficient amount of time, which ensures that he or she learns the material. School education abroad is aimed at the all-round development of children, so all boarding schools offer a huge number of circles and sections. On weekends and during vacations schools arrange excursions and tourist trips to neighboring cities and countries. There are mandatory cultural and sports activities, which boys and girls enjoy so much.

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