IPLUSO – Instituto Politécnico da Lusófonia

Official site +351217548625

Campo Grande 400, 1700-098 Lisboa, Portugal

Why, in today’s world, keep children in an institution for so unreasonably long, five hours a day, eleven years in a row, and make them rote memorize strange and often useless things? Forcing us to stand up, stretched out in front of a teacher, a man who couldn’t get into anything but teacher training college? Attitudes will always be friendlier where there is a common goal and desire, than where there is only coercion. Compromise options include private schools with a client-oriented approach, and individual tutors. And let the forced schools be a thing of the past, just as the twelve-hour workday, slavery, and child labor are gone. Once a person learns to read, he or she chooses what is of interest to him or her. On this basis he can build his life without imposed prejudices. That’s exactly the kind of institution we have in Lisbon – this is ” IPLUSO – Instituto Politécnico da Lusófonia “.

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