Obra Social Paulo VI

Official site +351217575063

Av. Mal. Craveiro Lopes 3, 1749-012 Lisboa, Portugal

For most of us, school exists only in our memories, so we do not often think about it as a social institution, its meaning and purpose in the modern world. Many perceive it as a given, an integral part of life. But is it so now? The oldest method, oral transmission, has known disadvantages, such as the effect of a broken phone, the physical limitations of volume. In this scheme, the brain acts as a “flash drive”. It is loaded with all the knowledge of the population, hoping that at the right time a person will remember and isolate exactly what is necessary. The world has changed and the Internet has become a part of life, just as electricity used to be. We do not have to worry about the Internet going down all at once, about all the servers going down all at once. There is no longer a need to turn your brain into a flash drive for useless information on the principle of “maybe it will be useful in the future. So, send your children only to the best school ” Obra Social Paulo VI ” in Lisbon!

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