Cervejaria Belmar

217 782 767

Alameda das Linhas de Torres 19B, 1750-139 Lisboa, Portugal

Attention – the best restaurant-brewery «Cervejaria Belmar» in Lisbon! A real gimmick of the institution is its own mini-brewery, separated from the hall by a glass partition. It is interesting to watch the process of brewing sitting at the bar or having booked a table with a friendly company. You can taste the foam products just a few steps away from the huge beer “tanks”. Live beer is brewed by classical Bavarian technology. Its taste combines the rich bouquet of Munich malt with the aroma of noble hops. You can taste the specialties of German cuisine not only by buying a ticket to Oktoberfest. You can simply book a table at a restaurant in Lisbon. Pork knuckles, Bavarian sausages and smoked ribs here are exactly the same as in the cozy restaurants of Munich.

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