Biblioteca de Marvila

Official site +351218173000

R. António Gedeão, 1950-374 Lisboa, Portugal

A good library Biblioteca de Marvila knows how to talk about books in such a way that even young children will understand how valuable and important they are. However, it’s not just the people, but the place itself that can tell the story. Explain to your child that you have come to the book house, introduce the rules of the library, show the endless shelves of books. There is a special “bookish” atmosphere in libraries. And it is often reinforced by interesting events – meetings with writers, exhibitions of illustrations, literary evenings. In addition, some libraries hold classes for young readers, in which the heroes of the books come to life, and the distant events of the Thirty Kingdom become close and understandable. Introduce your child to the books of his childhood. And it’s not just about quality, time-tested books, let the child see the joy of parents discovering old friends on the shelf.

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