Chaves Dos Olivais

Official site +351218549513

Praça do Norte 7C, 1800-280 Lisboa, Portugal

It often happens that your old lock needs to be replaced with a new, more modern, high quality and burglar-proof, our company will help to make quality lock repair in Lisbon! Entrance doors come in different designs and types, brands and in different price ranges, in some orders we take customers and make autopsy, and then repair or replace. As a rule, in most cases, door locks to repair on the spot, or to change them completely, along with the shoe cylinder after breaking inexperienced craftsmen, which is also called the cylinder, and you need to pick up any lock on the old dimensions and increase the secrecy of the locking mechanism. The best experts from Chaves Dos Olivais tend to quickly resolve all issues on repairing door locks. Even when you call the customer, the dispatcher finds out the type of lock, the nature of the breakage and what service should have the client. Master if possible on the way to the order, stop by the store and immediately buy everything you need for this order.

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