Escola de Condução dos Olivais

Official site +351211588274

Av. Cidade de Luanda 5 b, 1800-094 Lisboa, Portugal

Driving school “Escola de Condução dos Olivais” successfully combines all conditions for driver training, as within the professions of mechanic and electrician, as well as within the framework of the course training in the categories “B”, “C”:
– modern fleet of cars and trucks;
– A set of modern simulators;
– Experienced teachers and masters of industrial training;
– classrooms and computer lab for examinations,
– closed area and driving range learning initial skills of driving.

Professional masters of industrial training will teach safe driving skills in the conditions of heavy city traffic. During training, candidates for drivers will learn how to easily navigate in any traffic situations, ensure the safety of themselves and other traffic participants, as well as feel comfortable and confident behind the wheel. At the request of the trainees, we provide additional hours of driving on an individual schedule.

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