Studio In

Official site +351916807077

Pátio das Pirogas 1C LJ 54/56, Lisboa, Portugal

Sports facilities offer clients a variety of different courses and directions to develop their own physical abilities, improve their health and increase their endurance. The most popular is Pilates in Lisbon, which is a progressive system of physical exercise developed by respected athletes and rehabilitation therapists. This exercise system is ideal for people of all genders, ages, and different levels of pre-exercise fitness, because the likelihood of injury is minimized. Pilates for beginners is an organized system of exercise that includes a variety of pressures on all parts of the body. Performing the various Pilates exercises involves concentrating not only on physical exertion, but also on the close interaction of the physical realm with the mind. Coaches try to achieve a concentration on the correct breathing rhythm, as well as a close interaction of loads on the muscles of different groups among themselves. Don’t miss your chance to buy a membership!

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