Colégio Oriente
How many advantages this private school Colégio Oriente in Lisbon has! The private school “Colégio Oriente” individual approach to learning allows:
- To select an individual time for a student to master new learning material,
- To personally determine the necessary number of hours for consultations with the teacher and for independent work of the student,
- Not to waste time and energy on listening to other students’ answers, but to concentrate on solving one’s own learning problems,
- Shorten the time allotted to subjects and topics which are not difficult for the student and use more time for subjects and topics that are more difficult for the student,
- If necessary, receive significantly more counseling than the average number of hours,
- Study the program and conduct interim evaluations in blocks or modules,
- Reduce the number of knowledge gaps, because if a student misses a class, he or she continues where he or she left off,
- Maintain more expeditious contact with parents, since there is no need to wait for a general parent-teacher meeting,
- Reduce the number of behavioral problems of a particular student and relieve stressors, if any. Achieve notable success in instilling in students a sense of responsibility for their learning and behavior.
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