PENHA SCO Arte Cooperativa

Official site +351912872999

R. Neves Ferreira 10 B, 1170-274 Lisboa, Portugal

Many children often find it hard to tear themselves away from pencils, markers, or paints. They can spend hours drawing on sketchbooks and sheets. If a child loves to draw, parents sooner or later have to decide whether or not to send him or her to art school. The age for admission is set by each institution independently. Most often, children enter an art school from the age of 11-12, having passed exams in painting and drawing and having passed a competitive selection process. There can be a preparatory department for kids from 4-5 to 10-11 years old, where your child realizes that he or she has to paint not only what he or she wants. In contrast to music school, which requires intensive self-training, in “art” students mostly work in the classroom. But there can be homework and planned work for the summer. Every year they receive final grades, and at the end of the last year those who have reached the cherished “crust” will have to take an exam and do their final work.

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