Externato Marista de Lisboa

Official site +351217712030

R. Maj. Neutel de Abreu 11, 1500-459 Lisboa, Portugal

Our mission is to educate a well-rounded, intelligent, highly moral person, able to apply his knowledge in life and contribute to the creation of a bright future. All parents strive to give their children the best of everything. Especially when it comes to education. Each parent wants his child to be the best and succeed in adult life. What can they do to achieve this? Of course, give the foundation – a quality education. The curriculum at Externato Marista de Lisboa is designed in such a way that allows to identify the true needs of students. In general, the updated educational program is aimed at a competency-based approach, improving the quality of education. In the learning process, the teacher not only presents the educational material, but also explains why it is necessary to study it, where and how the acquired knowledge and skills can be used in real life. This is the link between learning and life.

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